
2018 Dacia Logan Trafik Polisi [Reflektif] Turkish 1.0


Arac Model Sahibi/Sahibleri:

3D Model: Yelkant Modaci
Armas SparkL 3D Model: Rebs
GTA V Convert: Okan Yorga

Reflektif Kaplama ve Plaka

2018 Dacia Logan Trafik Polisi

Aracin orijinal halini buradan indirin:

Kurulum: Indirdiginiz aracin .YTD dosyalarini degil, benim Dosyanin icine attigim .YTD dosyalarini ekleyin.

Emegi gecenler
Kaplama: cngz

Kaplamalarinin uzerinde duzenleme yapilip kullanilmasi,
degistirilmesi veya yeniden dagitilmasi yasaktir.
Tespiti alinde yaptirim uygulanacaktir. Tesekkurler.



Vehicle Model Owner/Owners:

3D Model: Yelkant Modaci
Armas SparkL 3D Model: Rebs
GTA V Convert: Okan Yorga

Reflective Livery and License Plate

2018 Dacia Logan Turkish Traffic Police Livery

Download the original model here first:

Install: Replace the original .YTD files with my .YTD files.

Livery: cngz

It is strictly forbidden to edit, use, change or redistribute the coatings of the vehicles.
Sanctions will be imposed upon detection. Thanks.
Show Full Description

Subido por primera vez: 6 de enero de 2021
Última actualización: 6 de enero de 2021
Descarga más reciente: hace 5 días

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

778 descargas , 10 MB
6 de enero de 2021

5 Comentarios