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154 descargas , 100 KB 11 de junio de 2015
For all the Queen Fans, here you go haha. I'm not a big fan of those shirt but you have to start somewhere. Keep up the work man.
@xHaviiHx haha thx, this is my first time tryin photoshop :)
@leo123123 Haha with Photoshop you can make some epic things. Just expirement alot, and try to get something nice and share it with us.
@xHaviiHx ill try ;)
For all the Queen Fans, here you go haha. I'm not a big fan of those shirt but you have to start somewhere. Keep up the work man.
@xHaviiHx haha thx, this is my first time tryin photoshop :)
@leo123123 Haha with Photoshop you can make some epic things. Just expirement alot, and try to get something nice and share it with us.
@xHaviiHx ill try ;)