Blaine County
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  • D9856c racered 300x300

    @CarreraGT dont know if you still care, but you can edit the dll file with dnspy and change every instance of "new TextElement(string.Format("{0:0.0}", num), position, 0.25f * this.sizeMult, this.highlightsColor)" to "new TextElement(string.Format("{0:0.000}", num), position, 0.25f * this.sizeMult, this.highlightsColor)" and that changes it from one to three places behind the decimal. Just change 0.0 to whatever precision you want

    14 de febrero de 2025
  • D9856c racered 300x300

    @hussbox gta makes it hard to make quality sound mods, the files have to be put into mono and into a lower bit format, resulting in worse quality audio files

    8 de enero de 2022
  • D9856c racered 300x300

    thank you, thank you, thank you, very very much

    15 de agosto de 2021
  • D9856c racered 300x300

    I have never left a comment on a mod before but this right here, was truly remarkable

    20 de agosto de 2020