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Don't forget to loot the cat lol
lol loved the video, great work :D
@Ilikeeditingpolice01 I don't think so, would you recommend any one in particular?
I really enjoyed playing this, great work!
Thank you for adding this, but WHY are you using a "baller2" audionamehash for engine sounds?? Should be a Neon or something that's actually electric.
@Jotorres97 this is just the livery, check the description for car link.
Potential Bug:
Sometimes you may hit an "invisible wall". It's not there, but when you are going this fast the game may act this way. I recommend using higher clearance vehicles like an SUV with stock suspension.
@Rantysqu1998 awesome man, enjoy! Let me know if you are able to beat it.
Doesn't open for me anymore, doesn't load any maps via 'AutoloadMaps' folder. Seems broken?
@danistheman262 I know exactly who you're talking about. It's pretty shameful, especially when they're lying to their audience. "Secret DLC"? Come on... Anyway, I went back and gave you credit on the rest of the videos where I used your mods. Thanks again for your contributions on here!