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dosnt work all it dose when i click on it is nothing thanks for wasting my time
is it supposed to be kenblock bc im typing keenblock like how it says but not working
dose not show the house the only thing that loads in is the cars............
can you make it all into 1 file so everything loads at once because i kept loading all the files one by one and it wasnt loading the whole thing everything was floating in the air
@MoYuTWT wdym
love the car works good and everything but when i drive it around most places is kinda glitchy only complaint if you can get that fixed then that would be great
@animae i have figured that part out if your talking about where you can see through it when you spawn it well if you have simple trainer then go to car mods and somewhere there is an option for one of the customizations where it shows the rest of the car
im not sure if its the file or not but i been downloading car mods like normal but for some reason never pop up on spawn list like i dont have it if the owner would like to hmu my snap is jarrodmikulin bc idk how to get back to this