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  • Gtav76

    @kaduloko Esses são exemplos totalmente funcionais de código para quem deseja aprender a criar scripts ou para programadores intermediários que desejam implementar rapidamente determinadas funcionalidades.

    These are fully functional examples of code for anyone who wants to learn how to script or for intermediate programmers who want to quickly implement certain functions.

    hace 4 horas
  • Gtav76

    @bollocksfortnite Better to ask someone who writes missions. I have no experience in that area and don't use or have any interest in mission scripts. I focus on UI, entity customization, teleportation, and ped/player interactions

    hace 8 horas
  • Gtav76
  • Gtav76

    @Kazumo Ideally that would be push to mic. I use this when using my TV as my monitor and I'm away from my wired keyboard. This way I can keep both hands on a controller and just keep the mic nearby.

    hace 8 horas
  • Gtav76

    The speech synthesis source code and demo are bundled with voice recognition and iFruit starter templates. Next addition will be using mp3s for audio help and to support events as alternatives to crappy subtitles or notifications.

    hace 8 horas
  • Gtav76

    @bollocksfortnite as an example, let's say your command is "Death Match". You could then run something like this for all hell to break out.

    foreach (Ped ped in peds)
    if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.DOES_ENTITY_EXIST, ped.Handle))
    int cougarHash = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_HASH_KEY, "COUGAR");
    Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, ped.Handle, cougarHash);
    Function.Call(Hash.GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED, ped.Handle, (int)WeaponHash.SMG, 100, false, true);
    Function.Call(Hash.SET_PED_RELATIONSHIP_GROUP_HASH, ped.Handle, Game.GenerateHash("COUGAR"));
    Function.Call(Hash.TASK_PUT_PED_DIRECTLY_INTO_MELEE, ped.Handle, PP.Handle, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0);


    int assaultRifleHash = unchecked((int)(long)WeaponHash.AssaultRifle);
    Function.Call(Hash.GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED, PP.Handle, assaultRifleHash, 500, false, true);

    hace 19 horas
  • Gtav76

    @bollocksfortnite Absolutely. For example, if the command was "Get Lost" you could have the ped flee. Keep in mind there isn't any AI here. What is happening is your voice command is running a script - that script could be as simple or as complicated as you want.

    hace 20 horas
  • Gtav76

    Note: In your phone, the contacts will appear below the game ones. AFAIK there is no way to position custom contacts at the top of the phone or at a specific position. With respect to your own script contacts, they will appear in the phone in the same order that you have them in your script.

    hace 21 horas
  • Gtav76

    @Vindicator12 Lol. Whenever you delete something from your mods folder by mistake, and it's a vanilla entity, you just replace it with the one from your game. If you delete something from your game by mistake, you do a verify integrity, or optionally, you use the one from your mods folder assuming it is untouched.

    hace 1 día
  • Gtav76

    To add or make changes to the commands themselves, you need to look at 3 areas.
    1. You add or change commands that will be spoken here:
    commandList = new SrgsOneOf("Airport", "Spawn Franklin", "Spawn Boxville");
    2. You add/change to the switch function here:
    case "Airport":
    currentCommandIndex = 0;
    case "Spawn Franklin":
    currentCommandIndex = 1;
    case "Spawn Boxville":
    currentCommandIndex = 2;

    3. Finally you edit this section to match what you have in step 2.
    case 0:
    Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET, Game.Player.Character, -1022.7, -2702.2, 13.8, 0, 0, 1);
    case 1:
    Ped MyPed = World.CreatePed("player_one", PP.Position + PP.ForwardVector * 3f, PP.Heading + 90);
    case 2:
    Vehicle adderVehicle = World.CreateVehicle(VehicleHash.Boxville, playerPed.Position + playerPed.ForwardVector * 2.0f, playerPed.Heading + 90);

    hace 1 día