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@christ Nee even serieus kerel, moet ik hier echt op gaan antwoorden? Ondertussen heeft je oud leraar Nederlands zichzelf gewoon even opgehangen...Echt waar, je moeder had je moeten doorslikken. Ben jij zo een bontkraag idiootje? Zo kom je wel over namelijk, dat verklaart ook direct waarom je een vrij dood simpele mod niet aan de gang krijgt. Maar heey, veel plezier met je onkunde in de rest van je leven.
@christ Ben je dan gewoon achterlijk of wat? Zijn mods werken gewoon prima, zie je niet dat je de enige bent die klaagt?
@Xenon Same thing, i can install any car mod but installing or altering the Bikes keeps giving errors...
Looks great.
My weapons gets a complete overhaul with your guns, great stuff!
How do you delete/remove all your weapons after you've accidentley used give all weapons and the game was saved?.
Ooh yeah, the gun i have been waiting for!
Would it work too if i put this on special carbine instead of Carbinerifle? I already have a gun at carbine rifle that i really like.
Edit: Regarding my last post, the crashing isn't due to the gun because i've replaced my complete weapon.rpf in patchday 3 and my game keeps on crashing while loading Story Mode. I haven't added or edited any mods since last night and i was playing my modded version of GTAV till midnight without any sortt of problems. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I have checked my recent mod downloads and i am 110% sure that i don't have any new mods that didn't work last night.