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KTM SuperDuke 1290 R please :)
@IsmaDanialEugene ohhh okk...aku tak pndai pasal modding ni..sorry
@IsmaDanialEugene boleh kot,sbb imtaj dpt buat mod ninja h2 dri game ride 2...mod die pon ok gak...aku teringin nk ktm superduke dlm gta 5
@IsmaDanialEugene wow..mmg jarang nk jumpe org buat mods utk gta 5 dri malaysia...mod kau power bro...boleh buat mod Ktm superduke 1290 ...tk salah aku kau boleh dpt template dri game RIDE 2...anyway..you've done a great job,m8...
I cant tune it...can anyone give me a working vehicle id...
@RkrdM yo,rkrdm....love these supermoto mods but i have a problem..when I about to turn,I always drifted...when i try to download the handling file from the link you gived..It says that the site cant be reached...can you upload the file from mediafire or any other website that are working please....
@Defalt that happened because your poly model is too high...I think you can fix this..pls do it
really nice bike... i have this bike in real life..can you make kawasaki z800 tunable?
@kizacudo do you have a fixed handling data...the handling of the brutale and some other bikes are bad...its so slow and i couldn't turn left or right
@MR_Sandy2002 modding tool for gta 5...