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Anyone know if this possibly works with a Gamepad?
shut the fuck up no one gives a single shit bout u crying in some comment section hes not gonna read
Shit! My POPCORN is empty! Please wait 'til im back this is gettin' sick
Can't play with the files, cause they're steam version. If your game doesn't work: You just need the old GTA5.exe and GTA5Launcher.exe to replace the new one, then start the game (cut your internet otherwise it will download the new version again automatically) and start in offline mode.
If someone has the 2 files backed up (cd version/download version), please upload :((
@eshenk Great man! Thanks for the efforts ^^
@eshenk Could you upload a zip or something to mediafire / mega or whatever? Im in the middle of a project and it would be great :D
@eshenk Holy Moly macaroni, send link to the required backup file PLEASE and guide us amature modders to the heavens of modding past the deadly shadow that is the update, TEACH ME your WAYS, MASTER!
Sucks to be Alex, having created the most necessary and essential out all the GTAV mods there are. And Rockstar Games keeps spamming their shitness of "new vehicles and online cash and rp bonus" its quite annoying xD
Take your time to update m8 :) But in all seriousness, does Rockstar Games really need to update their fucking dumb new vehicles into the game that no one on this entire planet even gives a quarter fuck about, JUST to piss us modders off. I mean just fucking stop rockstar, PLEASE just give us the option to stay on one version and we all happy )):
@danznewz yes it's so depressing xD