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So long overdue. And as a fan of your previous dirt road conversion, another amazing work! Thank you.
Ayy the new GTA V patch leak is here.
I am... disturbed.
(not the band)
This is something long overdue. Good job.
I like it!
Crashes for me aswell, sadly. Hope you'll be able to find the issue, looking forward to playing with this!
I don't see the point of low ratings. This might actually be the most polished piece of modeling on this site. Handling compliments the car nicely, bodywork and interior (with lights, I might add) are the most beautiful and well detailed things I've ever seen on a vehicle model. I've played with it for a week now and don't have any bad things to say. Unbelievable that you posted it free of charge! Cuddos to you and thank you!
Bury this.
@Stednjak Time sam eliminisao dodatni korak da se menja LOD distance manuelno. A fajl sam po sebi nije veliki.