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I'd prefer a lump of coal over this christmas tree.
'bout time you released this. hope it doesnt have as many bugs as the rest of your mods.
Man, thiS isnt Lapd aT all!!!11 woww no sPtolights srlsy?? hoiw dare u try to upsetTt the ballance of accuaTe elapd modss!!!111! 0/10 agreed wit every1 else
Did you get prior permission from the authors, whom made the parts used on this model, to port them over to V? Though all your credits in order, it seems like some of the people on said list wouldn't have been willing to allow you to release this.
Can't wait to turn this car into a motorcycle and ride it out of the Moroccan desert.
Why you gotta rip off Nutt's livery and paste it on this god awful model? (Link for those would like to compare http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/4068-detroit-police-department-lcpd-version-included/)
Tunnel snakes rule! We're the tunnel snakes, that's us, and we rule!
How did you edit the embedded textures for the station? I'm having a little bit of trouble replicating what you did.