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    i get error everytime i rebuild : Could not load file or assembly "RageLib.GTA5. Version= the system could not find file specified

    19 de abril de 2017
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    f9 not working any1 know fix?

    24 de mayo de 2016
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    no matter what i do nothing happens in game when i press f9, i have tried removing all mods, all scipt hooks/.net is updated and the .net up to date n all, the mod just wont work, f9 unresponsive anyone have a soluthion?

    24 de mayo de 2016
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    no NT plates?

    29 de mayo de 2015
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    spawning peds they just stay floating and i cant recruit them. very annoying when youre trying to make some crazy bodyguard models

    22 de mayo de 2015
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    Soz dude i got a little know how boys get without their GTA lolololol....anyway the solution was in deleting all mods out of the gta 5 directory and putting in fresh copies of every mod, which i had luckily kept. i think the issue was with your program leaving one of those "ghost files"you were telling me about. anyway games up and running like a dream for me now so no reason for me to be here haha...Peace off :DD

    15 de mayo de 2015
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    please Bilago a quicker solution plzzzz

    15 de mayo de 2015
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    @Bilago nope deleting scripthook and replacing it didnt do jack...i even tried restarting my pc and it still crashes at starting to agree with Seatater, does this mean i have the reinstall the whole fucking game again?

    15 de mayo de 2015
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    by uninstalled i mean i just deleted the modmanager.exe and gta V mods folder in documents because i didnt want i cant use scripthook please help?

    15 de mayo de 2015
  • Default i installed this mod and uninstalled it a little bit later and now if i have any version of scripthook in my gta 5 folder my game chrashes and closes when going to story mode so that means i cant play with any mods....can someone shed some light on this?

    15 de mayo de 2015