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Please fix, my computer detected a "Trojan" virus within the file.
@KAMELKB isn't working for me, I've tried at least 4 different gameconfig's and with all of them game crashes at loading screen. PLZ HELP or UPDATE MOD
@Bayan Asghar no, kinda gave up
@Bayan Asghar I'm sorry for the poor rating i know it an amazing mod cause I've used before, guess i was just frustrated but anyways, I know your mod didn't harm my game, I just reinstalled it because i had too many mods installed that didn't work with the new update and didn't want to spend time going and finding every one so i just reinstalled and started from fresh.
@Bayan Asghar Ok, so this happened when i previously installed the rims and it happening again. But last time I figured it out but i cant remember how or what I did differently. But anyways, I installed everything on the add-on version like it said but when I start the game it crashes in the loading screen. I have a modified gameconfig so i dont think thats the problem. Please help
@GTAWiseGuy I don't think I installed wrong, I think I got it all right for the add-on, but it screwed up my bennys sp and now is just the plain building but you can go inside but your just floating. Also i couldn't get it to spawn with the spawn name given, i got the line in the dlclist and everything. Please help.
@baba0rum Someone NEEDS to make the rocket bunny version of the E30 with this mod as the base.
@DefendMyCereal thanks
@DefendMyCereal Plz get to the bottom of the missing tuning. I want to install this mod because I love miatas but this is holding me back.
@Skint_94 Bug with backfire on exhaust on replace version. Also aftermarket hoods and roof spoiler float on replace version.
Pic of Backfire https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/96106427716148024/F440F0CC1B741ED8131E8952D2C722CBC85562EC/
Backfire on right side has an extra flame that isn't aligned right.