2016 Volvo XC70 Nilsson | Swedish Ambulance 1.3
Hope you guys enjoy!
UPDATE 1.3: Edits to the skin/paint material. Now it's not plastic anymore!
UPDATE 1.2: Fixed A-Pillar coming with door.
UPDATE 1.1: Fixed ELS file.
Model: Freshway
Standby W1: Tim
Handy XL: Freshway
Interior: Forza
Convertion, Skin & Mapping: Freshway
To be kept up to date with my current projects you can join my discord: discord.gg/rrNmNed
© Freshway. All Rights Reserved
You may NOT: edit, rip or sell this model in any way. If you decide to make a skin don't upload the model, link them to this page.
UPDATE 1.3: Edits to the skin/paint material. Now it's not plastic anymore!
UPDATE 1.2: Fixed A-Pillar coming with door.
UPDATE 1.1: Fixed ELS file.
Model: Freshway
Standby W1: Tim
Handy XL: Freshway
Interior: Forza
Convertion, Skin & Mapping: Freshway
To be kept up to date with my current projects you can join my discord: discord.gg/rrNmNed
© Freshway. All Rights Reserved
You may NOT: edit, rip or sell this model in any way. If you decide to make a skin don't upload the model, link them to this page.
Subido por primera vez: 22 de febrero de 2019
Última actualización: 7 de abril de 2019
Descarga más reciente: hace 3 días
38 Comentarios
Hope you guys enjoy!
UPDATE 1.3: Edits to the skin/paint material. Now it's not plastic anymore!
UPDATE 1.2: Fixed A-Pillar coming with door.
UPDATE 1.1: Fixed ELS file.
Model: Freshway
Standby W1: Tim
Handy XL: Freshway
Interior: Forza
Convertion, Skin & Mapping: Freshway
To be kept up to date with my current projects you can join my discord: discord.gg/rrNmNed
© Freshway. All Rights Reserved
You may NOT: edit, rip or sell this model in any way. If you decide to make a skin don't upload the model, link them to this page.
UPDATE 1.3: Edits to the skin/paint material. Now it's not plastic anymore!
UPDATE 1.2: Fixed A-Pillar coming with door.
UPDATE 1.1: Fixed ELS file.
Model: Freshway
Standby W1: Tim
Handy XL: Freshway
Interior: Forza
Convertion, Skin & Mapping: Freshway
To be kept up to date with my current projects you can join my discord: discord.gg/rrNmNed
© Freshway. All Rights Reserved
You may NOT: edit, rip or sell this model in any way. If you decide to make a skin don't upload the model, link them to this page.
Subido por primera vez: 22 de febrero de 2019
Última actualización: 7 de abril de 2019
Descarga más reciente: hace 3 días
jävlar vad fin
@Freshway kommer du släppa saaben du höll på med??
@Freshway Vad är nästa projekt
@Freshway Det jag menar är att texturerna och interiören ser plastiga ut.
@CreatureSWE Om du kollar typ här: http://www.nilsson.se/wp-content/uploads/ambulans_exterior_xc70/IMG_1982.JPG så är det väldigt "Plastigt". Sen interiören består av mestadels plast i verkligheten.
@Sigurd_Meek Sorry but no.
Hej. har skrivit till dig på skype
@victorczon Skriv till mig via Discord istället: Freshway (Anton)#3006
går inte lägga till dig. mitt anv victorczon #2071
@Freshway vad kommer du göra här näst
@BlueLive Kommer jobba på en del privata projekt ett tag fram.
@Freshway ok för det skulle vara trevligt med en Ambulans sprinter
Ser riktigt bra ut! Synd bara att hela A-bågen följer med dörren.
Kommer du släppa saaben??
@freshway vilket grafick mod har du? (stav)
add-on please
@freshway ny med mods. Vart ska filerna läggas i openIV? Ser snyggt ut! :) Tack.
Snygg! Någon tanke på att skapa en Nilsson XC90?
@ConZor Har en gjord, mer info om den finns i min Discord :)