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@kroweisreallypog Thanks for destorying my rating! As you said. You can be like Wonder Woman. I made it clear in the readme it's a novelty mod, for fun. Not sure why you have to not only launch a verbal assault because you can't find tangible benefits for someone you don't even know, but also destroy the rating when others clearly got enjoyment out of it.
Thanks, anyways, for... Well. Nothing. I can't work from your feedback to make this better if all you're going to do is insult.
@L2w31 Sounds like a version issue. Check your versions. This absolutely requires the latest GTA5 (not pirated), and the latest scripthook and scripthook .net downloaded from GITHUB in order to run. It wont work on older versions of GTA5 that aren't up to date.
@gtavjamal Probably not. Usually I'm experimenting with ideas in GTA5 modding and a formal mod develops from an idea I'm toying with. Because the support won't be ongoing for any of it should a Rockstar version change break my older builds, and because I've literally not made a penny from anything I've done (sad but true), there's no compelling reason to support any of it once I'm done with it. To help the community I've gotten in the habit of posting all my source to GITHUB for those who may want to take it over so it's not completely abandoned once it's released. Thanks for the compliments though!
@gtavjamal Requires the latest everything. As does the latest script hook. All my mods will always use the latest versions of everything on release.
@TheGanjaFarmer Yeah. Not what I intended it for. Sorry. Someone hit the nail on the head in earlier comments when they said it's like a James Bond invisibility cloak. What the police can't see, they can't chase when you engage it.. I'm not really interested in this project growing with even minor custom modifications to deviate from this, BUT the source is there for ya to make those changes yourself, and all of it's free too!! At no cost to ya!
@TheGanjaFarmer One last thing about the notifications. Unless there's a major bug that crops up, I won't be making further revisions to this. However, if you're a code monkey and wanting to make changes yourself, I posted the code fot this in it's entirety to GITHUB, here https://github.com/universalbri/Invisicar
The project was created with Microsoft Community Development Studio v2019, free edition, and even for a novie coder, making a change such as yours would be easy. Just branch the source and give it a whirl.
@TheGanjaFarmer Glad ya caught that keystroke thing. I thought everyone knew that trick. I myself keep several mods going at the same time which is why I seperated it out like that, but your trick applies to any mod where effects can be merged into one keystroke. Glad you enjoy it!
@TheGanjaFarmer Curious why ya'd call this a bug! It's an actual feature. Imagine you're a cop and trying to pursue a suspect and they disappear, completely in the area. Not only do they lose you as a target, but they might be extremely confused. And do weird and unexpected stuff when your wanted level is up but they can't find ya. My script doesn't control their AI AI. I merely make you untargetable. What you see is the AI's response to that. Funny and strange, right?
@gtavjamal Thanks man. That was the goal! Glad you enjoyed!
@gorgonut Naw. If the Pedestrians don't want to react, I'm not gonna force them to. I thought about it. But then as I tested this out extensively and saw that on rare occasions some did react on their own, I opted against telling them what to do instead finding delight when they reacted on their own.
Thanks for the rating though!