GTA V Climbing 1.1
Have you ever asked why you can't go climbing in GTA5 (although there are big mountains with great cliffs like the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad)?
Now you can!
This Map Editor Map will add a climbing route on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad. (See Screenshot 1 and 2 for the route and the starting place!)
Because the complete route has to many props, i divided the route into smaller stages.
Version 1.1
I made small changes in the stage Rocks_Below (there is now also a right climbing line possible on the second cliff, before there was a dead end).
The same in the stage Rocks_TopLeft1.
All other lines and stages are still the same and manageable.
1. Please install the newest Map Editor from Guadmaz (with the newest requirements).
2. Copy the files inside my zip ( into the root directory of GTA5.
3. Go inside GTA5 Story Mode and to the starting point on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad (see Screenshot 1 and 2).
4. Open Map Editor with F7 and load the first stage called "Rocks_Below".
5. Close the Map Editor.
6. Climb!
7. When you have finished the first route you will encounter a "No Trespassing" sign. --> Press then F7 again, "new map" and then load the next stage (see Screenshot 1 for the order of the stages).
8. At every "No Trespassing" sign repeat step 7.
- Climb in first person view. It's a lot easier.
- After the second stage (Rocks_Middle), you can choose which way you want to take --> Right one (easier) = Rocks_TopRight1 and Rocks_TopRight2
or -->Left one (harder) = Rocks_TopLeft1 and Rocks_TopLeft2.
- Don't move to fast. Be careful and climb smart.
The cliffs are a real challenge! So don't blame me when you will die a lot.
All routes are manageable! I tested all!
Have fun!
Now you can!
This Map Editor Map will add a climbing route on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad. (See Screenshot 1 and 2 for the route and the starting place!)
Because the complete route has to many props, i divided the route into smaller stages.
Version 1.1
I made small changes in the stage Rocks_Below (there is now also a right climbing line possible on the second cliff, before there was a dead end).
The same in the stage Rocks_TopLeft1.
All other lines and stages are still the same and manageable.
1. Please install the newest Map Editor from Guadmaz (with the newest requirements).
2. Copy the files inside my zip ( into the root directory of GTA5.
3. Go inside GTA5 Story Mode and to the starting point on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad (see Screenshot 1 and 2).
4. Open Map Editor with F7 and load the first stage called "Rocks_Below".
5. Close the Map Editor.
6. Climb!
7. When you have finished the first route you will encounter a "No Trespassing" sign. --> Press then F7 again, "new map" and then load the next stage (see Screenshot 1 for the order of the stages).
8. At every "No Trespassing" sign repeat step 7.
- Climb in first person view. It's a lot easier.
- After the second stage (Rocks_Middle), you can choose which way you want to take --> Right one (easier) = Rocks_TopRight1 and Rocks_TopRight2
or -->Left one (harder) = Rocks_TopLeft1 and Rocks_TopLeft2.
- Don't move to fast. Be careful and climb smart.
The cliffs are a real challenge! So don't blame me when you will die a lot.
All routes are manageable! I tested all!
Have fun!
Subido por primera vez: 10 de febrero de 2016
Última actualización: 12 de febrero de 2016
Descarga más reciente: hace 3 horas
22 Comentarios
More mods by Marcel2015:
Have you ever asked why you can't go climbing in GTA5 (although there are big mountains with great cliffs like the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad)?
Now you can!
This Map Editor Map will add a climbing route on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad. (See Screenshot 1 and 2 for the route and the starting place!)
Because the complete route has to many props, i divided the route into smaller stages.
Version 1.1
I made small changes in the stage Rocks_Below (there is now also a right climbing line possible on the second cliff, before there was a dead end).
The same in the stage Rocks_TopLeft1.
All other lines and stages are still the same and manageable.
1. Please install the newest Map Editor from Guadmaz (with the newest requirements).
2. Copy the files inside my zip ( into the root directory of GTA5.
3. Go inside GTA5 Story Mode and to the starting point on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad (see Screenshot 1 and 2).
4. Open Map Editor with F7 and load the first stage called "Rocks_Below".
5. Close the Map Editor.
6. Climb!
7. When you have finished the first route you will encounter a "No Trespassing" sign. --> Press then F7 again, "new map" and then load the next stage (see Screenshot 1 for the order of the stages).
8. At every "No Trespassing" sign repeat step 7.
- Climb in first person view. It's a lot easier.
- After the second stage (Rocks_Middle), you can choose which way you want to take --> Right one (easier) = Rocks_TopRight1 and Rocks_TopRight2
or -->Left one (harder) = Rocks_TopLeft1 and Rocks_TopLeft2.
- Don't move to fast. Be careful and climb smart.
The cliffs are a real challenge! So don't blame me when you will die a lot.
All routes are manageable! I tested all!
Have fun!
Now you can!
This Map Editor Map will add a climbing route on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad. (See Screenshot 1 and 2 for the route and the starting place!)
Because the complete route has to many props, i divided the route into smaller stages.
Version 1.1
I made small changes in the stage Rocks_Below (there is now also a right climbing line possible on the second cliff, before there was a dead end).
The same in the stage Rocks_TopLeft1.
All other lines and stages are still the same and manageable.
1. Please install the newest Map Editor from Guadmaz (with the newest requirements).
2. Copy the files inside my zip ( into the root directory of GTA5.
3. Go inside GTA5 Story Mode and to the starting point on the north-west side of Mt. Chilliad (see Screenshot 1 and 2).
4. Open Map Editor with F7 and load the first stage called "Rocks_Below".
5. Close the Map Editor.
6. Climb!
7. When you have finished the first route you will encounter a "No Trespassing" sign. --> Press then F7 again, "new map" and then load the next stage (see Screenshot 1 for the order of the stages).
8. At every "No Trespassing" sign repeat step 7.
- Climb in first person view. It's a lot easier.
- After the second stage (Rocks_Middle), you can choose which way you want to take --> Right one (easier) = Rocks_TopRight1 and Rocks_TopRight2
or -->Left one (harder) = Rocks_TopLeft1 and Rocks_TopLeft2.
- Don't move to fast. Be careful and climb smart.
The cliffs are a real challenge! So don't blame me when you will die a lot.
All routes are manageable! I tested all!
Have fun!
Subido por primera vez: 10 de febrero de 2016
Última actualización: 12 de febrero de 2016
Descarga más reciente: hace 3 horas
On top of the second stage (Rocks_Middle) awaits you a surprise. Try not to be too much upset about it.:-)
P. S. There are on every stage several different lines you can climb. There isn't just one way to the top!
@irishfever1 yeah, it's a shame Rockstar didn't included more activities into the original game as they are basketball, surfing, football, frisbee, boomerang, billiard, flipper, ... and climbing. The world would have been a lot more interesting.
when I first saw GTA V trailers, immediately I thought that these edition will be the most map interactive game of all franchise, more thing to do apart of main history, things like climb, camping, do fumigation agriculture side up mission etc.. but no one of that thought were true. But now you make one of my wish become true. Thanks for that bro.
@JCM You're welcome! Thanks to such great modders like here on Gta5 Mods it's now possible to add such things afterwards.
@Marcel2015 Wow, such an amazing idea! This could of easily been done by Rockstar, even if it was just making some of the rocks or cliffs shaped slightly different from the ground up.. But.. they didn't, and you did! So thanks for this mate!! :-)
Make the rocks dynamic, :D aavaaaalaaaanche .....
@Gamoholik :-)))
@lipskamafia Thanks for the video. 0:10 -> extrem funny! :-)))
@Marcel2015 np man nice mod :)
you saw it at 00:10 xd
Mods getting even better and better everyday :D
@TheRealFookin Thank you.
@Marcel2015 Dude, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited when there would be a GTA IV and GTA Vice City And GTA 3 Map mod, I know there is one but it is buggy as hell,
@Marcel2015 This is cool. Something new to do!
@Weirdoutworld Thanks. I had a lot of fun with it by myself. But you will die a lot.
@Marcel2015 - What can I say... this mod kicked my butt!!! LMAO. I had a blast trying to get up the mountain with my friend Reggie! I featured your Mod in my GTA V series Daily Ped Life: 5 Stars for your hard work on this mod with all the detail... When I have time to spare I am going to get good at this!!! Awesome fun thank you!
@midnightGAMERdude I've just watched you in your YouTube video. I had some much fun to see you fail.
Thank you for that. Just for clarification: The routes I painted on the pictures above aren't the exact lines you should climb. You have to find you own line. And there are at every stage at least two manageable lines.
I will help you little in your efforts. With the menyoo mod ( there's an option to save your last position. So you can make checkpoints. This will help a lot.
Or you can use this mod ( It's like an undo option, so you can travel back in time after you missed a step.
I wish you good luck.
AND there's also a second climbing mod from me. See here:
So you will have a lot to do. :-)
ParkourIV mod should make climbing easier since you can climb mid jump
@littlefilms Yeah probably, but I haven't tried. I tested all climbing routes and all are possible with normal climbing behaviour (but you will die a lot of times). What I do to ease the dificulty is to make checkpoints with the menyoo trainer (see my comment just above).
My dude, I love your mod! Thanks for sharing it with everyone. I've been looking for a more "realistic" climbing experience in GTA, and I came to find out that the Spider Man mod ( offers this pretty cool ability: he can climb walls as if he's walking up a ladder. You can see that in one of the videos on the link I shared. Would you be interested in developing a mod which could offer this ability to any regular player?