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@xperia It's only this car I seem to have this problem with.
@xperia I bought it on steam, good sir, so the last one. (340 hours in or so)
@xperia Hello there, I've got a problem that has been adressed already but didn't seem to have been fixed yet. It's the headlights, they don't ligth up the road at all, they light up by themselfs but don't really shine on aynthing. I use the US-5 spikes wheels one (Addon one) and haven't really tested any other versions yet. I hope there's something I can do manualy so you don't have to go and fix it yourself but if not then I hope you can fix this. Other than that the car is really good. Good work.
@JonaQ I have the same problem. VStancer can't fix just the left or rigth side so it moves both sides at the same time. The car itself has a problem as you said with the wheels or atlest their possition. If that could be fixed it'd be a perfect car.
@tk0wnz Yeah it's there and there are many logs for it non of them seem to say that it didn't load or that something happened to them so I have no clue why I can't use them. Technically I should be able to see the wheels and use them but it doesn't seem to be the case. Is there aynthing else I could do or look at?
@tk0wnz So I've tested all trainers I could find the basic one, ENT and Menyoo but I can't get the wheels to work. I did everything right and still can't use them. If you use any other trainer then let me know please.
@flynhigh09 I've tested the new update. Seems to get better and better each time, now with sound, which is good. I've noticed some more things that need polishing a bit. I use the addon version of this car and I can't change the color or it, I don't know what it is or if the replace one can or if it just my game or something but even with enh. trainers I can't swap the colors. Also the lights need some work, the blinds or what ever they're called, clip through the front spoiler and don't go down till the end as they should. Overall a great car, keep your work up. You're doing a great job.
p.s. I can swap rims and so on it's just the body color I can't change.
The car looks nice but with the old version my game crashed when ever I wanted to spawn it and with the new updated one the car has no sound. I don't know if it's on ym end but every other sound in the game works just nothing that the car does - so no engine sound no tire sound not even the doors closing or opening and no crash sound either.
@Vans123 Hey man great car I'm a huge fan of the 67' shelby but could you make an addon version with a bit more bite to it? Like more traction and better acceleration and maybe a bit more muscle like sound to it? I know it takes ages to make a mod those are just sugestions.(sorry for my bad English)
@Zemanez Hey there, I had the same problem as most people, the trainer just wouldn't load with the game at all. I got it to work and all I did was delete scripthook and ENT files and reinstaled both (scripthook first), I hope that helps people out if they were stuck the same as me. I don't use any other addons beside car adddons so if, for others, it has something to do with Menyoo then this probably wont help you.